Video interview

Victoria, how it all began (in French)

Nikita Bershanski, Pivot Films Inc.
Nikita Bershanski, Pivot Films Inc.
Nikita Bershanski, Pivot Films Inc.
18 min 44
Dulcinea Langfelder & Co and Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault

Interview with Dulcinea Langfelder, led by Viktoria Bobovskaia

Video : Nikita Bershanski, Pivot Films Inc.
Excerpts : Victoria, Dulcinea Langfelder & Co, 2000 and Victoria, le film, Dulcinea Langfelder & Co, 2021
Pictures: Charles Fariala. Photographer and date unknown – Réal Bossé and Dulcinea Langfelder in Victoria. Photo credit: Yves Dubé, 1999 – Dulcinea Langfelder as a mime. Photographer and date unknown – Dulcinea Langfelder in Cercle Vicieux. Photo credit : Chantal Rosant, date unknown


Victoria: how it all began


Dulcinea Langfelder created Victoria in 1999—a dance piece about old age, vulnerability and cognitive decline. It has been presented in fifteen countries and eight languages, and is still available for touring today. To pay tribute to the work and the issues it raises, Dulcinea Langfelder…


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Video interview

Conversation between Tim Southam and Marc Boivin on Perreault Dancer (in French)

This interview between Marc Boivin (dancer and close friend of Jean-Pierre Perreault) and Tim Southam (director of the film Danser Perreault) was presented at the screening of the film Danser Perreault on Friday, May 6, 2022 at the Cinémathèque québécoise. 20 years after its release,…


Victoria, the orderly(ies)

To complement videos around Victoria by Dulcinea Langfelder, the company offers four short texts on themes that deepen our understanding of the piece. THE ORDERLY   Charles Fariala, who proposed the idea of Victoria to Dulcinea, was himself an orderly. The character was there from...
Video interview

Victoria, la transmission du rôle (in French)

Interview with Dulcinea Langfelder and Anne Sabourin, led by Isabelle Poirier


Victoria, shadows

To complement videos around Victoria by Dulcinea Langfelder, the company offers four short texts on themes that deepen our understanding of the piece. MEANING   When we lose our memory, we can also lose the sense of the "self"; we do not recognize ourselves in...