
Reprises, créations, passations : les parcours chorégraphiques de Louise Bédard (in French)

Zoé Meyer
January 26, 2023


Transmission de solos


Re-creation and creation of solos by Louise Bédard Danse compagny In the fall of 2020, five solos were reassembled for the camera in order to enhance the visual archives of Louise Bédard Danse. During this disruptive period when the situation of artists was undermined, the…


More to discover

Video interview

Histoire d’une création – Partie 3 (in French)

Interview with Jeff Hall and Pierre-Paul Savoie on their work Bagne, conducted by Andrée Martin on April 27, 2017, at the Department of Dance of the Université du Québec à Montréal. The production of this video was made possible through the financial support of the…


Territoires Partagés – essay by Karine Cloutier (in French)

Le corps à l'écran ou Danser seul ensemble Par Karine Cloutier   Enseigner en ligne une option créative Dans la situation actuelle, après cinq semaines, je peux dire que je me sens à l'aise d'enseigner toutes mes classes en ligne. J'enseigne le yoga, la danse...
Video interview

Histoire d’une création – Partie 2 (in French)

Interview with Jeff Hall and Pierre-Paul Savoie on their work Bagne, conducted by Andrée Martin on April 27, 2017, at the Department of Dance of the Université du Québec à Montréal. The production of this video was made possible through the financial support of the…


Fabulations à propos des solos de Louise Bédard (in French)

Photo above: Guylaine Massoutre and Louise Bédard during a get-together about the recreation of solos that inspired the writing of this text. For a completely fresh way into Louise Bédard’s world, a Guylaine Massoutre’s lovely essay which “ties” her series of solos to the long...