
Reprises, créations, passations : les parcours chorégraphiques de Louise Bédard (in French)

Zoé Meyer
January 26, 2023


Transmission de solos


Re-creation and creation of solos by Louise Bédard Danse compagny In the fall of 2020, five solos were reassembled for the camera in order to enhance the visual archives of Louise Bédard Danse. During this disruptive period when the situation of artists was undermined, the…


More to discover


Fabulations à propos des solos de Louise Bédard (in French)

Photo above: Guylaine Massoutre and Louise Bédard during a get-together about the recreation of solos that inspired the writing of this text. For a completely fresh way into Louise Bédard’s world, a Guylaine Massoutre’s lovely essay which “ties” her series of solos to the long...
Excerpt from work

FLOOD, by Louise Bédard

FLOOD 2021, video num, 8 min 35 s, s.-d. FLOOD a solo created by choreographer Louise Bédard and performed by dancer Marie Claire Forté. This solo is an integral part of La Démarquise, a group work created in 1996 and revived in 2017.   A…

Excerpt from work

La Grincheuse, by Louise Bédard

La Grincheuse 2021, video num, 17 min 15 s La Grincheuse is a solo created by choreographer Louise Bédard and performed by dancer Sarah Williams. It was originally created as part of the work La Démarquise, in which Sarah Williams played several roles, including that…

Video interview

Interview with Louise Bédard

Cartes postales de Chimère restaging-handover (in French) This interview of Louise Bédard, taken in the early Cartes postales de Chimère recovery reversal rehearsals, takes us to the heart of the production. Choreographer with her eyes and her words , makes us discover (again) her work…