Danser Joe

2015 - 2022

Since 2013, the workshops for dancers and non-dancers created by Ginelle Chagnon have helped revive Jean-Pierre Perreault’s choreographic repertoire throughout Quebec. The Danser Joe workshops, which are designed for amateur dancers and high school students through the Culture-Education directory, allow participants of all ages to immerse themselves in Jean-Pierre Perreault’s world and enjoy an unforgettable choreographic experience.


Danser Joe at Collège Regina Assumpta

March 10 to 18, 2022

Students from three classes at Collège Regina Assumpta plunged into the timeless universe of Joe by Jean-Pierre Perreault, from March 10 to 18, in the company of dancers Sara Hanley and Catherine Tardif. Charles-Alexandre Lévesque, who is passionate about dance and teaching, wanted to offer young…

Danser Joe dans la ville: Rivière des Prairies

February 27, March 5 and 12, 2016

Danser Joe dans la ville, a continuation of the Vivre Joe workshop developed by Ginelle Chagnon, was an opportunity for amateur dancers and non-dancers to discover a major work in the contemporary dance repertoire and enjoy a unique performance experience. In the company of Sara…

Danser Joe dans la ville: Maison de la culture Frontenac

January 23 and 30, 2016

Danser Joe dans la ville is an opportunity for amateur dancers and non-dancers to discover a major work in the contemporary dance repertoire and enjoy a unique performance experience. In the company of Sara Hanley and Catherine Tardif—inspiring dancers who have performed Joe on stage—participants…

Danser Joe dans la ville: Maison de la culture Villeray-Parc Extension

April 3 and 10, 2016 - September 25, and October 2, 2016

Danser Joe dans la ville is an opportunity for amateur dancers and non-dancers to discover a major work in the contemporary dance repertoire and enjoy a unique performance experience. In the company of Sara Hanley and Daniel Villeneuve (inspiring dancers who have performed Joe on…

Danser Joe in Toronto

November 11 - 12, 2016

The workshop Danser Joe was presented in Toronto, in co-production with MOonhoRsE dance theatre, as part of the Older & Reckless show marking the company’s 20th anniversary.  From November 7 to 12, Catherine Tardif and Bonnie Kim led the workshop created by Ginelle Chagnon. Over…

Danser Joe at the Musée de la civilisation

March 11, 2015 to April 3, 2016

Danser Joe, an immersive dance workshop created by Moment Factory in collaboration with the Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault, was showcased at Corps rebelles / Rebel bodies, a major international exhibition at the Musée de la civilisation in Quebec City. Visitors were invited to take part in…

Danser Joe at the Centre William-Hingston

December 1 and 8, 2017

The last workshop in the Danser Joe dans la ville series was held on December 1 and 8, 2017 at the Centre William-Hingston, which offers French-language classes to immigrants. Catherine Tardif and Daniel Villeneuve had the great pleasure of teaching excerpts from Joe to some…

Danser Joe at the Musée des Confluences

September 13, 2016 to March 5, 2017

Danser Joe, an immersive dance workshop created by Moment Factory in collaboration with the Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault, was showcased at Corps rebelles / Rebel bodies, a major international exhibition at the Musée des Confluences in Lyon. Visitors were invited to take part in a unique…

Danser Joe : Notre-Dame-des-Prairies

October 15 and 22, 2016

Danser Joe is a workshop for amateur dancers and non-dancers that allows its participants to live a unique performance experience while discovering an outstanding work of the contemporary choreographic repertoire. In the company of Catherine Tardif and Daniel Villeneuve, two fabulous dance artists who have performed Joe on…

Vivre Joe

November 2013, February and March 2014

The Vivre Joe workshop was a unique opportunity for participants to discover a major work in the contemporary choreographic repertoire and to perform the work before an audience of family and friends. Created in 1983 and reprised many times until 2004, Joe evokes collective anonymity…


Event recording

Danser Joe at École Très-Saint-Sacrement

In the spring of 2024, Sara Hanley and Catherine Tardif led the Danser Joe workshop imagined by Ginelle Chagnon with grade 6 students at Très-Saint-Sacrement elementary school in Lachine. Here are a few photos from the June 3, 2024 performance:
Event recording, Excerpt from work

Danser Joe at École secondaire Monseigneur-Richard

In the winter of 2024, Catherine Tardif and Patrick Lamothe led the Danser Joe workshop imagined by Ginelle Chagnon with Secondary 1 and 2 students at École Monseigneur-Richard in Verdun. Some photos of the February 27, 2024 presentation:
Event recording

Les Impatientes dansent Joe – A look back at the experience

This new video from Mathi Loslier Pellerin features artists from the group Les Impatientes – Chantale Daigneault, Christiane Deschênes, Nia Gueye, Sylvie Laflamme, Marie-Diane Lee, Diane Major, Victoria Saraguro, Sonia Verreault, and Sandra Zéline – who, on November 29, danced excerpts from Joe. In it,…

Event recording

Les Impatientes dansent Joe – the performance

Invested, focused, united: on November 29, nine members of the group Les Impatients – Chantale Daigneault, Christiane Deschênes, Nia Gueye, Sylvie Laflamme, Marie-Diane Lee, Diane Major, Victoria Saraguro, Sonia Verreault, and Sandra Zéline – presented Danser Joe, the workshop created in 2013 by Ginelle Chagnon…

Event recording

Danser Joe dans la ville – excerpts

Excerpts of a Danser Joe dans la ville workshop led by Sara Hanley and Catherine Tardif (created in 2013 by Ginelle Chagnon) in Montreal at the Maison de la culture Frontenac and Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension. Performed by: Lise Catudal, Florence Daniel, Lise Desjardins, Marie-Andrée Dubrûle, Diana Dupré, Geneviève Ethier, Charlie Gougeon,…

Event recording

Danser Joe at Older & Reckless #39

Presentation of a Danser Joe workshop led by Catherine Tardif, assisted by Bonnie Kim (created in 2013 by Ginelle Chagnon) in Toronto for Older & Reckless #39. A coproduction of MoONhORsE Dance Theater Older & Reckless #39 presented by MOonhORsE Dance Theatre in association with Harbourfront Centre, November…