Territoires Partagés (November 18 to May 2020) was a website designed to observe and document dance training practices in Quebec. The site included sections with texts, interviews, podcasts and visual documents highlighting multiple practices. It was an opportunity for artists to explore the dance ecosystem,…
For more information on these interview visit the French version of this article: https://espaceperreault.ca/fr/collection/territoires-partages-entrevue-avec-sophie-corriveau/
The Movement Educator’s Forum Kelly Keenan The Movement Educator’s Forum (MEF) is an annual week long initiative I, Kelly, instigated 6 years ago. Over the course of one week, the MEF invites at least 5 teachers across fields of practice to lead a movement…
For our second Espace Perreault Get-Together at the MAI on April 6, we had a chance to hear from multidisciplinary artist Kama La Mackerel and dancers and choreographers Nasim Lootij and Heather Mah. It was an opportunity to talk about dance and migration, a complex,…