Video interview

Rachel Carignan, spasmes

Katya Montaignac
Philippe Meunier
Philippe Meunier
Espace Perreault Choreographic transmission

In this video, the artist looks back at her discovery of jigs as a young teen, then embarking on a bachelor’s degree in dance, where she discovered ballet, her arms, and the importance of the gaze, sensation, and corporeality. How did she incorporate these new ideas into her jig? That’s for you to explore!

A creation of the dance artist Katya Montaignac and dancer, videographer, and editor Philippe Meunier, Je me souviens… is a series of short videos created from images recorded during performances of Nous (ne) sommes (pas) tous des gigueurs et des gigueuses, vivid testimonials from dancers from different jig practices.


Je me souviens…


This series of dance portraits is based on testimonials from dancers about the legacy of their practice. What memories fuel your dance practice? What heritage has particularly marked your path? These dancing portraits share the thoughts and experiences of dancers on questions of memory and…


More to discover

Audio interview

Territoires Partagées – audio interview with Andrew Harwood

Interview with Andrew de Lotbinière Harwood on his improvisation practice and his pedagogical approach.
Article, Publication

Tangente: 307 St. Catherine Street W

Discover Tangente’s second location, at 307 St. Catherine Street West

Video interview

La Chute : Culture is our lifeblood

Documentation on the creative process of La Chute. The creation and documentation of La chute are made possible thanks to the Conseil des arts de Montréal’s DémART-Mtl program

Event recording

Entre traces et écritures : Scripts, notations, partitions (round table discussion)

«Entre traces et écritures» took place in Hexagram UQAM’s experimentation lab in Montreal from May 15 to 18, 2018. With: Simon Hecquet and Armando Meniccaci.