Video interview

Pierre Chartrand, sculpteur de pas

Katya Montaignac
Philippe Meunier
Philippe Meunier
Espace Perreault Choreographic transmission

A beautiful, embodied reflection danced by Pierre Chartrand about the tension between tradition and creation: how do we absorb the past to dispel it and keep dance moving forward?

A creation of the dance artist Katya Montaignac and dancer, videographer, and editor Philippe Meunier, Je me souviens… is a series of short videos created from images recorded during performances of Nous (ne) sommes (pas) tous des gigueurs et des gigueuses, vivid testimonials from dancers from different jig practices.


Je me souviens…


This series of dance portraits is based on testimonials from dancers about the legacy of their practice. What memories fuel your dance practice? What heritage has particularly marked your path? These dancing portraits share the thoughts and experiences of dancers on questions of memory and…


More to discover


Bertrand Chénier and Jean-Pierre Perreault: Partners in creation (In French)

An interview of composer Bertrand Chenier by essayist Guylaine Massoutre on his relationship with choreographer Jean-Pierre Perreault. For more information, visit the French version of this article: Bertrand Chénier et Jean-Pierre Perreault : Partenaires en création


Territoires Partagés – article by Emmanuelle Bourassa Beaudoin and Natalie Zoey Gauld

Conversation sur un projet d’analyse/réflexion/passation/documentation en lien avec l’œuvre pédagogique d’Angélique Willkie By Emmanuelle Bourassa Beaudoin and Natalie Zoey Gauld Article written for Territoires Partagés – January 2019   Comment est né ce projet? How did this project come to be? In April 2017, in…


La Chute’s production notebook, first entry (in French)

Journal de création de La Chute Texte 1 / Montréal / Mars 2019 La Chute est un solo de danse contemporaine que nous, le collectif Vâtchik Danse, composé de Kiasa Nazeran, dramaturge, et moi, Nasim Lootij, chorégraphe et interprète, présenterons à Tangente dans le cadre...
Video interview

Angélique Willkie Pedogagy Project: Movement of immobility

Produced and directed by N. Zoey Gauld and Emmanuelle Bourassa Beaudoin Video direction: Jonathan Inksetter Music: Thom Gossage Cameras: Jonathan Inksetter et Frédérique Rivest