Event recording

Entre traces et écritures : Marches et démarches dans le corps/archives (in French)

May 15, 2018
Video recording
Olivier Duplessis, Réal Dorval, William Robitaille

Performative conference with Manon Levac, May 15, 2018

«Entre traces et écritures» took place in Hexagram UQAM’s experimentation lab in Montreal from May 15 to 18, 2018.


Between Traces and Writing


From May 15 to 18, the Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault invited the entire dance community to take part in the focus day series Between Traces and Writing.  Featuring round table discussions, conversations, performances and workshops, the event explored the themes of traces, notation, documentation, memory, body/archives…


Between Traces and Writings

From May 15 to 18, 2018, the Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault presented a series of focus days and workshops at Hexagram-UQAM, titled Between Traces and Writings. The event included round table discussions, performances and workshops focused on the themes of traces, notations, documentation, memories, body/archives and…

More to discover

Video interview

Conversation between Tim Southam and Marc Boivin on Perreault Dancer (in French)

This interview between Marc Boivin (dancer and close friend of Jean-Pierre Perreault) and Tim Southam (director of the film Danser Perreault) was presented at the screening of the film Danser Perreault on Friday, May 6, 2022 at the Cinémathèque québécoise. 20 years after its release,…

Video interview

Victoria, la transmission du rôle (in French)

Interview with Dulcinea Langfelder and Anne Sabourin, led by Isabelle Poirier


Moving, artistic migrations (in French)

For our second Espace Perreault Get-Together at the MAI on April 6, we had a chance to hear from multidisciplinary artist Kama La Mackerel and dancers and choreographers Nasim Lootij and Heather Mah. It was an opportunity to talk about dance and migration, a complex,…

Video interview

Victoria, how it all began (in French)

Interview with Dulcinea Langfelder, led by Viktoria Bobovskaia Video : Nikita Bershanski, Pivot Films Inc. Excerpts : Victoria, Dulcinea Langfelder & Co, 2000 and Victoria, le film, Dulcinea Langfelder & Co, 2021 Pictures: Charles Fariala. Photographer and date unknown – Réal Bossé and Dulcinea Langfelder…