From May 15 to 18, the Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault invited the entire dance community to take part in the focus day series Between Traces and Writing. Featuring round table discussions, conversations, performances and workshops, the event explored the themes of traces, notation, documentation, memory, body/archives…
Intrusion — Thou shalt not commit adultery Harold Rhéaume interviews Ariane Voineau dancer in the 2021 version of Les Dix Commandements and Maud Simoneau, dancer of the 1998 version. To see the full version: here
Relentlessness — Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day Harold Rhéaume interviews Misheel Ganbold dancer in the 2021 version of Les Dix Commandements and Suzanne Trépanier, dancer of the 1998 version. To see the full version: here
Destruction – That shalt not kill (excerpt) Harold Rhéaume interviews Alexandre Carlos dancer in the 2021 version of Les Dix Commandements and Jacques Moisan, dancer of the 1998 version. To see the full version: here
Illusion — Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain Harold Rhéaume interviews Jean-François Duke dancer in the 2021 version of Les Dix Commandements and Patrick Lamothe, dancer of the 1998 version. To see the full version: here