Excerpt from work

Video excerpt of A horrifying dance, or how a dance survives

Espace Perreault Choreographic transmission, 2025
Marcela Correa, based on the play “La Huesudita” by Carolina Vascouez
Video recording
Maude Archambault-Wakil
Osea Mar by Nicanor Millan


Marcela Correa (she, her) was born in Quito, Ecuador. She trained as a dancer at Frente de Danza Independiente in Quito, which she co-founded in 1985, studying with Wilson Pico, Kléver Viera, and Carlos Cornejo. She earned a Master’s degree in Expressive Arts Therapy from Lesley University in Boston, MA. She also trained in authentic movement, somatic movement techniques, improvisation, and contact improvisation. From 2006 to 2024, she was the coordinator of the Performing Arts department at Universidad San Francisco de Quito, where she founded the contemporary dance company TALVEZ.


A horrifying dance, or how a dance survives


A project imagined by Esteban Donoso Esteban Donoso focuses on the archiving and transmission of dance and performance, oral histories, and practice-based methodologies. On November 20, 2024, he presented excerpts from his doctoral thesis Olas de Otro Mar: Reenacting, Renarrating, and Ruminating Dance in Quito-Ecuador, in…


Workshop Performance: A Horrifying Dance, or How a Dance Survives

It is with pleasure that Espace Perreault Transmissions Chorégraphiques and the Department of Dance at UQAM collaborate in the presentation of the Workshop Performance: A Horrifying Dance, or How a Dance Survives November 20th at 6 pm at the Dance Laboratory at UQAM, 840, Cherrier, K- 2210,…

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