
Educational Discovery Guide

Jean-Pierre Perreault

An invitation to teachers and their students to learn about the work of Jean-Pierre Perreault


Educational Discovery Guide

The virtual exhibition Jean-Pierre Perreault, choreographer features an educational discovery guide created for high school students and teachers by Nicole Turcotte, Visiting Professor at UQAM’s Dance Department. A series of new dance appreciation and movement creation activities were added to the guide to deepen students’...


More to discover


A young dancer’s response to the Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault’s pedagogical material (in French)

Offrir la culture aux jeunes Comme enseignante, j’éprouve un réel plaisir de m’inspirer des suggestions d’activités que l’on peut retrouver sur différents sites Web,  mes choix privilégiant les outils qui donnent la part belle aux approches pédagogiques innovantes, à l’éducation artistique ainsi qu’à la dimension...
Video interview

Encounter with Crazy Smooth, choreographer and Anyo, Julie Rock and Tash, dancers

The latest video documenting the creative process for the piece In my body, this interview gives voice to the choreographer Yvon Soglo and three generations (oldest, middle and youngest) of hip hop dancers: Tash, Julie Rock and Anyo. With a close connection and lots of laughter,…


Paul-André Fortier’s Bras de plomb featured in the MAGDANCE 5 art + dance + archive, a Mackenzie Art Gallery initiative

For more information visit the French version of this article:

Video interview

En aparté with Victoria P. Miranda

Interview with Victoria P. Miranda about her career and approach to teaching contemporary dance in an international context.