A project imagined by Emmanuelle Bourassa Beaudoin and Natalie Zoey Gauld:
This bilingual video series is an archive of a three-week workshop engaged in reflection, analysis, and pedagogical transmission with dance artist and pedagogue Angelique Willkie. Invited guests reflect with Angelique on her teaching philosophies and strategies as well as her methods of creating learning material that bring forth fundamental laws and concepts, preparing the body for different types of choreographic work. In sharing this archive, we hope to support contemporary dance teachers worldwide, offering part of Angelique’s knowledge and insight, making her tools clear and accessible. We have chosen to create 17 videos of roughly 20 minutes each, following the chronological order of our discussions, in order to share a maximum of information while keeping it in context as much as possible. Each video contains a main topic coexisting with other ideas. The nature of this document is informal. You are invited into the studio with us. Watch them like a TV series: one or two episodes at a time! Angelique will guide you through understanding the possibilities of the body and development of full dance potential. We hope that this teaching tool will inform and inspire artists and teachers of contemporary dance. Thank you to our cherished collaborators: Neil Sochasky, Melina Stinson, Thom Gossage and Charmaine Leblanc.
Thanks to the Canada Council for the Arts and our partners: Circuit-Est centre chorégraphique and l’Espace Perreault.