Event recording

What do contracts and notions of authorship establish?

October 18, 2019
Conseil des Arts de Montréal
Audiotopie (René Journault and Frédérick Breton)
Audiotopie (René Journault and Frédérick Breton)
Sound recording
Audiotopie (Simone D'Ambrosio)
59 min 33
Georges Azzaria

«L’auteur·e en danse : pluralité des expériences» took place at the Conseil des Arts de Montréal on October 18, 2019.

With : Mélanie Demers, Katya Montaignac, Lucie Boissinot, Danièle Desnoyers, Francis Ducharme, Francine Gagné, Catherine Lavoie-Marcus, Sophie Michaud, Silvy Panet-Raymond and Jamie Wright.


Authorship in dance: multiple experiences


During this focus day event, participants from the dance community explored different facets of authoriality. Among the topics discussed: How does this concept determine and/or influence the creative process? How do different cultures define authorship in dance and position themselves vis-à-vis this notion? How can…


Authorship in Dance: Multiple Experiences

Participants in this focus day event explored different facets of authoriality in dance. Among the issues they discussed: How does this concept determine and/or influence the creative process? How do different cultures define authorship in dance and position themselves vis-à-vis this notion? How can we…

More to discover


Sismography Recording the injuries, grief, and perils of dance

Sismography is a collaborative platform that is a home to the stories of dancers. It is a sensitive archive of the subtle tremors and deep shudders that have marked their practice and that often remain taboo: physical and psychological injuries, illness, conditions, and disabilities that can impede, prevent,...
Video interview

Encounter with Crazy Smooth, choreographer and Anyo, Julie Rock and Tash, dancers

The latest video documenting the creative process for the piece In my body, this interview gives voice to the choreographer Yvon Soglo and three generations (oldest, middle and youngest) of hip hop dancers: Tash, Julie Rock and Anyo. With a close connection and lots of laughter,…

Video interview

Angélique Willkie Pedagogy Project: Listening, feeling and euphoria

Produced and directed by N. Zoey Gauld and Emmanuelle Bourassa Beaudoin Video direction: Jonathan Inksetter Music: Thom Gossage Cameras: Jonathan Inksetter et Frédérique Rivest


Territoires Partagés – essay by Lucy Fandel (In French and English)

Nous et la classe Lucy Fandel   Last summer, if you showed up to Nous Sommes L’Été (NSL)’s Classes du matin in Montreal, you would be led by three dancers, Corinne Crane, Alexandra Caron, and Marie-Michelle Darveau. Each would propose a different set of exercises,…