Video interview

Victoria, the creation (in French)

Nikita Bershanski, Pivot Films Inc.
18 min 22

Interview with Dulcinea Langfelder, led by Viktoria Bobovskaia

Excerpts : Victoria, Dulcinea Langfelder & Co, 2000, La Voisine, le film, Diane Poitras, 1996,  La Complainte de Dulcinée, Dulcinée Langfelder & cie, 2008, Victoria, le film, Dulcinea Langfelder & Co, 2021
Pictures: The orderly of Victoria, Yves Simard, Erik Lapierre, Eric Gingras, Martin Rouleau and Patrick Fleurant at Victoria’s 35th anniversary. Photo credit : Nicolas Segura, 2020 -Réal Bossé and Dulcinée Langfelder, in Victoria. Photo credit : Yves Dubé, 1999 – Erik Lapierre and Dulcinée Langfelder, in Victoria.  Photographer unknown, 2009


Victoria: how it all began


Dulcinea Langfelder created Victoria in 1999—a dance piece about old age, vulnerability and cognitive decline. It has been presented in fifteen countries and eight languages, and is still available for touring today. To pay tribute to the work and the issues it raises, Dulcinea Langfelder…


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