Event recording, Video interview

Study day on dance and the visual arts at MACM – Performance in the museum (excerpt)

January 11, 2019
Frédérique Rivest (Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault)
Frédérique Rivest (Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault)
Sound recording
Alexandre Perreault (Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal)
Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault and the Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal
4 min 03
Dena Davida

The study day on dance and the visual arts held by the MAC as part of the Françoise Sullivan exhibition took place January 11, 2019 in Montreal.

With: Lynda Gaudreau, Simon Grenier-Poirier, Catherine Lavoie-Marcus, Dorian Nuskind-Oder and The Two Gullivers (Flutura and Besnik Haxhillari).


Documentation of a dance and visual arts study day


On January 11, 2019, the MACM held a study day on dance and the visual arts as part of its Françoise Sullivan exhibition. The event included three round table discussions with Lynda Gaudreau, Simon Grenier-Poirier, Catherine Lavoie-Marcus, Dorian Nuskind-Oder, The Two Gullivers (Flutura and Besnik…


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Video interview

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Video interview

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Intrusion — Thou shalt not commit adultery Harold Rhéaume interviews Ariane Voineau dancer in the 2021 version of Les Dix Commandements and Maud Simoneau, dancer of the 1998 version. To see the full version: here

Video interview

Shame — Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. Sophie Corriveau meets Eve Rousseau-Cyr (excerpt)

Shame — Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour Harold Rhéaume interviews Eve Rousseau-Cyr dancer in the 2021 version of Les Dix Commandements and Sophie Corriveau, dancer of the 1998 version. To see the full version: here