Video interview

Portraits croisés – Louise Bédard vue par Catherine Gaudet

Claudia Chan Tak
7 min 09
La 2e Porte à Gauche
Katya Montaignac

(in French)

Following the intergenerational collaborations that gave rise to the work Pluton, La 2e Porte à Gauche imagined a series of portraits produced by Claudia Chan Tak with the help of Katya Montaignac. Major figures in Quebec contemporary dance are presented through the gaze of contemporary creators.

The video was produced thanks to the participation of the Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault.


Portraits croisés


Following the intergenerational collaborations that gave rise to the work Pluton, La 2e Porte à Gauche imagined a series of portraits produced by Claudia Chan Tak with the help of Katya Montaignac. Major figures in Quebec contemporary dance are presented through the gaze of contemporary…


More to discover

Excerpt from work

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Reprises, créations, passations : les parcours chorégraphiques de Louise Bédard (in French)

For more information, visit the French version of this article:

Excerpt from work

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Excerpt from work

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