Audio interview

Marc Béland and Alix Dufresne: reflecting on Dancers (excerpt)

In March 2018, the Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault met up with dancer, actor and stage director Marc Béland, and stage director, author, choreographer and dancer Alix Dufresne. Lise Gagnon invited them to reflect on Dancers, a co-creation by Catalan artist Sonia Gómez and Marc Béland in Quebec, with the dramaturgical assistance of Alix Dufresne. (in French)


In 2014, Sonia Gómez created the intimate and minimalist solo piece Bailarina. She then came up with the idea for Dancers, in which she teaches Bailarina to different performers who represent the contemporary dance trends that inspired her. Marc Béland and Alix Dufresne generously participated in the creation of Dancers, a work that stages the process of transmitting a dance piece—from the perspectives of both the choreographer and dancers—in a humorous and inventive way.


Reflecting on Dancers: Marc Béland and Alix Dufresne


In March 2018, the Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault met up with dancer, actor and stage director Marc Béland, and stage director, author, choreographer and dancer Alix Dufresne. Lise Gagnon invited them to reflect on Dancers, a co-creation by Catalan artist Sonia Gómez and Marc Béland in…


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Video interview

Destruction — Thou shalt not kill. Jacques Moisan meets Alexandre Carlos (excerpt)

Destruction – That shalt not kill (excerpt) Harold Rhéaume interviews Alexandre Carlos dancer in the 2021 version of Les Dix Commandements and Jacques Moisan, dancer of the 1998 version. To see the full version: here

Video interview

Illusion — Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. Patrick Lamothe meets Jean-François Duke (excerpt)

Illusion — Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain Harold Rhéaume interviews Jean-François Duke dancer in the 2021 version of Les Dix Commandements and Patrick Lamothe, dancer of the 1998 version. To see the full version: here

Video interview

En aparté with Marc Boivin

Interview with Marc Boivin about his career and approach to teaching contemporary dance in an international context. Marc talks about the three mentors who have been enriching his teaching of dance for 35 years. Valuing self-confidence and responsibility in his students, he believes firmly in…

Video interview

Conversation between Tim Southam and Marc Boivin on Perreault Dancer (in French)

This interview between Marc Boivin (dancer and close friend of Jean-Pierre Perreault) and Tim Southam (director of the film Danser Perreault) was presented at the screening of the film Danser Perreault on Friday, May 6, 2022 at the Cinémathèque québécoise. 20 years after its release,…