Excerpt from work

Les Choses dernières – Excerpt 1994

Agora de la danse, Montréal
Philippe Baylaucq
Video recording
Philip Herbison and Philippe Baylaucq
Sound recording
Malcolm Cecil
Farinaz Agharabi
AVID editing (bureau de post)
Nancy Gendron et Philippe Baylaucq
Final editing 1994 (Magiscope)
Eric Marapin
Editing of excerpts
Ariane Dessaulles

Freely inspired by Paul Auster’s novel Le Voyage d’Anna Blume, Les Choses dernières is a work created in 1994 by Lucie Grégoire and revived on the occasion of her company’s thirtieth anniversary.

Recorded at l’Agora de la danse, Montreal, March 9 to 12 mars 2016. Direction and editing: Paulo Castro-Lopes. Recording: Paulo Castro-Lopes et Mario Calvé

Choreography: Lucie Grégoire
Dancer: Isabelle Poirier
Original music: Robert M. Lepage
Lighting design: Alain Lortie, recreated by Marc Parent
Costumes, makeup, and hair: Angelo Barsetti
Floor patina: Hélène Lussier, recreated by Angela Rassenti
Rehearsal director: Dodik Gédouin
Direction technique et de la régie : Pierre Lavoie
Sonorisation : Nicolas Borycki


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