Video interview

Interdependence — Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Lucie Boissinot meets Miranda Chan (excerpt)

September 25, 2020
Emilie Allard
Emilie Allard
5 min 15
Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault in collaboration with Le fils d'Adrien danse

Interdependence — Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Lucie Boissinot meets Miranda Chan

Harold Rhéaume interviews Miranda Chan dancer in the 2021 version of Les Dix Commandements and Lucie Boissinot, dancer of the 1998 version.

To see the full version: here


Les dix commandements: Encounters (1998–2021)


In 1998, Harold Rhéaume created his first major work, Les dix commandements, which examines complex issues related to the values and moral codes that hold a society together. His company, Le fils d’Adrien danse, celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2021. To mark the occasion, it…


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Video interview

Intrusion — Thou shalt not commit adultery. Maud Simoneau meets Ariane Voineau (excerpt)

Intrusion — Thou shalt not commit adultery Harold Rhéaume interviews Ariane Voineau dancer in the 2021 version of Les Dix Commandements and Maud Simoneau, dancer of the 1998 version. To see the full version: here

Video interview

Greed — Thou shalt not steal. Eric Bernier meets Nicholas Bellefleur (excerpt)

Greed — Thou shalt not steal Harold Rhéaume interviews Nicholas Bellefleur dancer in the 2021 version of Les Dix Commandements and Eric Bernier, dancer of the 1998 version. To see the full version: here

Video interview

Shame — Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. Sophie Corriveau meets Eve Rousseau-Cyr (excerpt)

Shame — Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour Harold Rhéaume interviews Eve Rousseau-Cyr dancer in the 2021 version of Les Dix Commandements and Sophie Corriveau, dancer of the 1998 version. To see the full version: here

Video interview

Greed — Thou shalt not steal. Eric Bernier meets Nicholas Bellefleur

Greed — Thou shalt not steal Harold Rhéaume interviews Nicholas Bellefleur dancer in the 2021 version of Les Dix Commandements and Eric Bernier, dancer of the 1998 version. Each revisiting their roles, the artists discuss the particularities of dance and theatre and today’s clear interdisciplinarity;…