Video interview

Danse mutante – Capsule 3

Xavier Curnillon
3 min 14
FJPP and MAYDAY - Mélanie Demers
Concept and artistic direction
Mélanie Demers
Mutation 1 : Ann Liv Young in collaboration with the dancers
Francis Ducharme et Riley Sims

Danse Mutante is a duet performed by Francis Ducharme and Riley Sims, destined to know multiple mutations as it passes through the hands of four female choreographers on three different continents.


Around Danse Mutante


Danse mutante is a bold collective project that explores the mutation of a dance work, as well as ideas around transmission and performers’ authority and creative contribution. In the words of the project creator Mélanie Demers: “Danse Mutante is a duet performed by Francis Ducharme…


More to discover


La voix du corps dansé

For more information visit the French version of this article: 

Choreographic toolkit - excerpt

Duos pour corps et instruments – Excerpts 2014

A choreographic work and sound installation featuring an instinctive, visceral dialogue between movement and sound, Duos pour corps et instruments today bears the stamp of a new contemporaneity. Its three exceptional dancers, each of them preeminent figures in Quebec dance, are as charismatic and emblematic…

Video interview

IN MY BODY – in creation (excerpt)

With Crazy Smooth, Bourrik, DKC Freeze, Effect, Jayson Collantes, Jerick Collantes, Julie Rock, Melly Mel, Tash, Nubian Néné, Tiffany Leung


Territoires Partagés – interview with Francine Gagné (in French)

In this series Le comité des classes techniques du Regroupement québécois de la danse / Entrevue avec Caroline Laurin-Beaucage / Johanna Bienaise Le studio 303 – Entrevue avec Miriam Ginestier et Ornella Calisti/ Johanna Bienaise Circuit-Est – Entrevue avec Francine Gagné / Johanna Bienaise Entrevue...