Video interview

Danse mutante – Capsule 2

Xavier Curnillon
2 min 51
FJPP and MAYDAY - Mélanie Demers
Concept and artistic direction
Mélanie Demers
Francis Ducharme, Riley Sims

Danse Mutante is a duet performed by Francis Ducharme and Riley Sims, destined to know multiple mutations as it passes through the hands of four female choreographers on three different continents.


Around Danse Mutante


Danse mutante is a bold collective project that explores the mutation of a dance work, as well as ideas around transmission and performers’ authority and creative contribution. In the words of the project creator Mélanie Demers: “Danse Mutante is a duet performed by Francis Ducharme…


More to discover


La voix du corps dansé

For more information visit the French version of this article: 

Give for Joe!

For almost two years, Espace Perreault has been enthusiastically working on producing a choreographic toolkit that will document and transmit the piece Joe by Jean-Pierre Perreault. The initiative is headed up with great passion by Ginelle Chagnon, who had the good fortune to be Jean-Pierre Perreault’s assistant....
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(In French with English subtitles) Video: Xavier Curnillon

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