Choreographic toolkit - press kit

Bras de plomb press kit

Bras de plomb

This document gathers all the press articles surrounding the work Bras de plomb (1993) by Paul-André Fortier (some articles in English).


Bras de plomb Choreographic Toolkit

The solo Bras de plomb was created in 1993 out of an encounter between the dancer and choreographer Paul-André Fortier and artist Betty Goodwin. Out of these two artists’ obsession with the human body emerged this fascinating piece, a profound reflection on the human condition....


Launch of EC2 and three choreographic toolkits

The Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault launched its new digital platform EC2_Espaces chorégraphiques 2 and a unique digital collection of choreographic toolkits on September 21, 2016. These projects, designed to showcase Quebec’s contemporary dance heritage, were carried out in collaboration with Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec,…

More to discover


Paul-André Fortier’s Bras de plomb featured in the MAGDANCE 5 art + dance + archive, a Mackenzie Art Gallery initiative

For more information visit the French version of this article:

Video interview

En aparté with Damien Fournier

Interview with Damien Fournier about his career and approach to teaching contemporary dance in an international context.

Video interview

Interdependence — Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Lucie Boissinot meets Miranda Chan

Interdependence — Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Lucie Boissinot meets Miranda Chan Harold Rhéaume interviews Miranda Chan dancer in the 2021 version of Les Dix Commandements and Lucie Boissinot, dancer of the 1998 version.

Video interview, Event recording

Study day on dance and the visual arts at MACM – Performance in the museum (excerpt)

The study day on dance and the visual arts held by the MAC as part of the Françoise Sullivan exhibition took place January 11, 2019 in Montreal. With: Lynda Gaudreau, Simon Grenier-Poirier, Catherine Lavoie-Marcus, Dorian Nuskind-Oder and The Two Gullivers (Flutura and Besnik Haxhillari).