Choreographic toolkit - excerpt

Bras de plomb Choreographic toolkit (excerpts)

Bras de plomb
Paul-André Fortier
September 21, 2016

Discover excerpts from the Bras de plomb Choreographic toolkit (in French). The Choreographic toolkit is on sale for 60$ for the digital file + 75$ for the print version (individuals) + shipping and 100$ for the digital file + 75$ for the print version (institutions -schools, companies, libraries, etc.) + shipping.

Choreography by Paul-André Fortier, 1993

Toolkit based on the original idea of Ginelle Chagnon


Bras de plomb Choreographic Toolkit

The solo Bras de plomb was created in 1993 out of an encounter between the dancer and choreographer Paul-André Fortier and artist Betty Goodwin. Out of these two artists’ obsession with the human body emerged this fascinating piece, a profound reflection on the human condition....


Launch of EC2 and three choreographic toolkits

The Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault launched its new digital platform EC2_Espaces chorégraphiques 2 and a unique digital collection of choreographic toolkits on September 21, 2016. These projects, designed to showcase Quebec’s contemporary dance heritage, were carried out in collaboration with Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec,…

More to discover


Paul-André Fortier’s Bras de plomb featured in the MAGDANCE 5 art + dance + archive, a Mackenzie Art Gallery initiative

For more information visit the French version of this article:

Choreographic toolkit - excerpt

BAGNE Choreographic toolkit (excerpts)

Discover excerpts from the BAGNE Choreographic toolkit (in French). The Choreographic toolkit is on sale for 60$ for the digital file + 75$ for the print version (individuals) + shipping and 100$ for the digital file + 75$ for the print version (institutions -schools, companies,…


Victoria, shadows

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Excerpt from work

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