Event recording

Between Traces and Writing: Around the Choreographic Toolkits

May 15 to 18, 2018
Hexagram UQAM's experimentation lab, Montreal
Video recording
Olivier Duplessis, Réal Dorval, William Robitaille
Lise Gagnon

«Entre traces et écritures» took place in Hexagram UQAM’s experimentation lab in Montreal from May 15 to 18, 2018.

With: Danièle Desnoyers and Lucie Grégoire.


Between Traces and Writing


From May 15 to 18, the Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault invited the entire dance community to take part in the focus day series Between Traces and Writing.  Featuring round table discussions, conversations, performances and workshops, the event explored the themes of traces, notation, documentation, memory, body/archives…


Between Traces and Writings

From May 15 to 18, 2018, the Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault presented a series of focus days and workshops at Hexagram-UQAM, titled Between Traces and Writings. The event included round table discussions, performances and workshops focused on the themes of traces, notations, documentation, memories, body/archives and…

More to discover

Video interview

En aparté with Sarah Bild and Susanna Hood

Excerpts from the discussion with Sarah Bild and Susanna Hood. They share with us their vision of teaching. One of interviews in the En aparté series produced by Circuit-Est is an encounter between Sarah Bild and Susanna Hood, where the artists talk about their team…

Video interview

Angélique Willkie Pedagogy Project: Listening, feeling and euphoria

Produced and directed by N. Zoey Gauld and Emmanuelle Bourassa Beaudoin Video direction: Jonathan Inksetter Music: Thom Gossage Cameras: Jonathan Inksetter et Frédérique Rivest


Territoires Partagés – essay by Lucy Fandel (In French and English)

Nous et la classe Lucy Fandel   Last summer, if you showed up to Nous Sommes L’Été (NSL)’s Classes du matin in Montreal, you would be led by three dancers, Corinne Crane, Alexandra Caron, and Marie-Michelle Darveau. Each would propose a different set of exercises,…


Bertrand Chénier and Jean-Pierre Perreault: Partners in creation (In French)

An interview of composer Bertrand Chenier by essayist Guylaine Massoutre on his relationship with choreographer Jean-Pierre Perreault. For more information, visit the French version of this article: Bertrand Chénier et Jean-Pierre Perreault : Partenaires en création