Video interview

Danse Mutante – Video 9

Xavier Curnillon
3 min 45
MAYDAY and the Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault
Concept and artistic direction
Mélanie Demers
Mélanie Demers, Ann Liv Young, Kettly Noël, Ann Van den Broek, in collaboration with the dancers
Francis Ducharme, Riley Sims
Angélique Willkie
Rehearsal Direction
Anne-Marie Jourdenais
Assistant to the choreographer
Nik Rajšek (M3)
Alexandre Pilon-Guay (V0+M1+M2+M3), Ann Van den Broek (M3)
Technical Direction
Julien Veronneau
David Blouin
Original Music
Mykalle Bielinski (V0)
David Blouin (V0), Olivier Girouard (V0)
Tom Barman Live for the song Everybody's weird (M3)
Sound Counselor
Nicolas Rambouts (M3)
Mélanie Demers, Ann Liv Young, Kettly Noël, Ann Van den Broek, Max-Otto Fauteux
Creative residencies
Centre de Création O Vertigo (V0), Circuit-Est centre chorégraphique (V0+M1+M2), Donko Seko (M2), cultuurcentrum Berchem (M3), Theater Rotterdam (M3), Agora de la danse (V0+M1+M2+M3)

While Mélanie was working on assembling all the mutations into a final work, she met with Marie-Louise Arsenault from the Radio-Canada program Plus on est de fous, plus on lit. Here she reads a text from Cantique, the work she originally created for Danse Mutante.


Around Danse Mutante


Danse mutante is a bold collective project that explores the mutation of a dance work, as well as ideas around transmission and performers’ authority and creative contribution. In the words of the project creator Mélanie Demers: “Danse Mutante is a duet performed by Francis Ducharme…


More to discover


La voix du corps dansé

For more information visit the French version of this article: 

Video interview

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Choreographic toolkit - excerpt

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Event recording

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