Event recording

Copyright: A space of freedom or constraint for the creation and use of choreographic- excerpts

October 2, 2015
Department of Dance and Institut du patrimoine at UQAM
Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault
2h 1min 20

On October 2, 2015, the FJPP held a focus day on copyright and artistic legacy in dance, in collaboration with the Department of Dance and Institut du patrimoine at UQAM.

With the participation of:
Georges Azzaria, lawyer
Manon Oligny, choreographer
Sophie Préfontaine, lawyer
Normand Tamaro, lawyer
The 2 Gullivers, performance artists
Isabelle Van Grimde, choreographer
Moderated by: Xavier Inchauspé, cultural worker, lawyer by training


Focus day on copyright and dance heritage


How does the dance milieu approach copyright issues? How does copyright law influence the creation, performance, reproduction and distribution of choreographic works? To answer these questions, the Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault invited dance practitioners and legal experts to participate in a focus day on copyright and…


Focus day on copyright and dance heritage

Copyright is inherent to the dissemination and transmission of cultural works. The Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault  invited dance practitioners and legal experts to weigh in on this important issue.  How does the dance milieu approach issues related to copyright? How do interpretations of copyright influence the…

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