Mozongi Choreographic Toolkit

Spring 2024

It is an honour and pleasure to work with Zab Maboungou on creating the Mozongi Choreographic Toolkit, coordinated by Katya Montaignac in close collaboration with Zab.

Master work of the repertoire of Nyata Nyata, Mozongi is a dance from a time when dancers tried to endure. The space of the work is that projected by sound and silence, a space that expands and contracts to the music. Mozongi stands as an interlocutor between the arts and ancestral knowledge that irrigates the field of contemporaneity and redefines creative capacity. 


Photo credit: Kevin Calixte. Mozongi at Gesù in 2014 with Gabriella Parson, Karla Etienne, Luis Cabanzo, Jennifer Morse, Aboubacar Mané, Raphaëlle Perreault and Mithra Rabel.

