Video interview

Recréation Dieu ne t’a pas créé juste pour danser Capsule #5

Claudia Chan Tak
3 min 05
Archive images
Martin Lemieux


Video clips: the recreation of Dieu ne t’a pas créé juste pour danser


In the spring of 2018, maribé – sors de ce corps recreated the piece Dieu ne t’a pas créé juste pour danser to celebrate its 10th anniversary. Choreographer Marie Béland reassembled her original team: Dany Desjardins, Zoey Gauld, Simon-Xavier Lefebvre, Anne Thériault and MC Gilles….


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Event recording

Danser Joe at École Très-Saint-Sacrement

In the spring of 2024, Sara Hanley and Catherine Tardif led the Danser Joe workshop imagined by Ginelle Chagnon with grade 6 students at Très-Saint-Sacrement elementary school in Lachine. Here are a few photos from the June 3, 2024 performance:

S’incarner dans la recréation et en soi

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Video interview

Pierre Chartrand, sculpteur de pas

A beautiful, embodied reflection danced by Pierre Chartrand about the tension between tradition and creation: how do we absorb the past to dispel it and keep dance moving forward? A creation of the dance artist Katya Montaignac and dancer, videographer, and editor Philippe Meunier, Je…

Event recording, Excerpt from work

Danser Joe at École secondaire Monseigneur-Richard

In the winter of 2024, Catherine Tardif and Patrick Lamothe led the Danser Joe workshop imagined by Ginelle Chagnon with Secondary 1 and 2 students at École Monseigneur-Richard in Verdun. Some photos of the February 27, 2024 presentation: