Event recording

Rangoli Festival round table

May 25 2024

In cooperation with Rameez Karim, we are disseminating the round table he hosted at the Rangoli Festival in May. Addressing the challenges and opportunities of Indian dance in Montréal, guests Amrita Choudhury, Roger Sinha and Virushigaa Srikumar looked at their careers and discussed issues central to current explorations in the dance community: dance as political affirmation, the importance of compassion and empathy, the “exoticism” of non-Euro-centric dance, the difficulty of not “fitting” into boxes for grants, interculturalism and cultural appropriation. It’s a fascinating discussion, with the artists concluding that we need to develop solidarity with each other. In English.


Rangoli Indian Dance Festival


Organized by Veils of Bollywood, Festival Rangoli presents an immersive celebration of South Asian dance and culture, in connection with Canada’s Asian Heritage Awareness Month. Through a selection of dance workshops and roundtable discussions, the festival aims to ignite curiosity, foster connections, and support artists…


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