
La danse de Hanako  –  Hanako’s Dance

Catherine Lavoie-Marcus
December 9, 2020
Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault

This fanzine invites you to follow the traces of a ghost-like dance. The dance by Hanako Hoshimi-Caines was performed before a select few, and was not filmed or photographed. Yet its sensory content was methodically captured in this multi-authored work.




La danse de Hanako — Hanako’s Dance


Coordinated by Catherine Lavoie-Marcus and designed by Emilie Allard, this fanzine features the traces (notations, drawings and accounts) of ten writers and illustrators who responded in real time to an improvised dance by Hanako Hoshimi-Caines. It is a perfect example of documentation as a creative…


Ouvrir la boîte and La danse de Hanako – Hanako’s Dance

In this virtual launch held on December 9, 2020, some 20 dance artists, writers and visual artists shared their experiences in two publications: La danse de Hanako – Hanako’s Dance and Ouvrir la boîte. Regards sur les boîtes chorégraphiques et la documentation en danse. These…

More to discover


Paul-André Fortier’s Bras de plomb featured in the MAGDANCE 5 art + dance + archive, a Mackenzie Art Gallery initiative

For more information visit the French version of this article:


Sismography Recording the injuries, grief, and perils of dance

Sismography is a collaborative platform that is a home to the stories of dancers. It is a sensitive archive of the subtle tremors and deep shudders that have marked their practice and that often remain taboo: physical and psychological injuries, illness, conditions, and disabilities that can impede, prevent,...

La voix du corps dansé

For more information visit the French version of this article: