
Blanc Mémoire

Manon Hotte
Septembrer 19, 2018
Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault
Dorothée Thébert

(in French) Quebec choreographer and teacher Manon Hotte, currently based in Geneva, presents the creative process behind Blanc Mémoire—an archival installation she co-created with Swiss photographer and stage director Dorothée Thébert.



Performative presentation on Blanc Mémoire, by Manon Hotte


Quebec choreographer and teacher Manon Hotte, currently based in Geneva, gave a performative presentation on the creative process behind Blanc Mémoire—an archival installation she co-created with Swiss photographer and stage director Dorothée Thébert. Blanc Mémoire emerged from both artists’ questionings regarding their respective practices and…


Performative presentation on Blanc Mémoire, by Manon Hotte

Quebec choreographer and teacher Manon Hotte, currently based in Geneva, gave a performative presentation on the creative process behind Blanc Mémoire—an archival installation she co-created with Swiss photographer and stage director Dorothée Thébert. Blanc Mémoire emerged from both artists’ questionings regarding their respective practices and…

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Event recording

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Video interview

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Video interview

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Event recording

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