Video interview

Interview between Lucie Grégoire and Paul Auster

Paulo Castro-Lopes
The choreographer and dancer Lucie Grégoire celebrated her dance company thirtieth birthday founded in 1986 with the restaging of Les Choses dernières, inspired by Paul Auster's book Le voyage d'Anna Blume.

Recorded February 27, 2016, in Brooklyn (NY). Directed by Paulo Castro-Lopes.


Les Choses dernières Choreographic Toolkit

Created in 1994 and loosely based on Paul Auster’s novel, In the Country of Last Things, this solo piece is the culmination of Lucie Grégoire’s tireless quest to understand identity. In 2016, Grégoire transmitted the work to Isabelle Poirier, another dancer renowned for her intensity,...


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Video interview

Conversation between Tim Southam and Marc Boivin on Perreault Dancer (in French)

This interview between Marc Boivin (dancer and close friend of Jean-Pierre Perreault) and Tim Southam (director of the film Danser Perreault) was presented at the screening of the film Danser Perreault on Friday, May 6, 2022 at the Cinémathèque québécoise. 20 years after its release,…


Paul-André Fortier’s Bras de plomb featured in the MAGDANCE 5 art + dance + archive, a Mackenzie Art Gallery initiative

For more information visit the French version of this article:

Video interview

Encounter with Crazy Smooth, choreographer and Anyo, Julie Rock and Tash, dancers

The latest video documenting the creative process for the piece In my body, this interview gives voice to the choreographer Yvon Soglo and three generations (oldest, middle and youngest) of hip hop dancers: Tash, Julie Rock and Anyo. With a close connection and lots of laughter,…

Excerpt from work

Excerpts Lucie Vigneault

Cartes postales de Chimère restaging-handover A single figure wanders through time and across different paths to imaginary continents; towards vast and opulent places. Movements emerge, like landmarks along the way; worlds are shaped by mature hands, lands made rich by a child’s eyes. Where are…