Event recording

Virtual launch – December 9th, 2020

December 9, 2020
1h 05min
La documentation en danse, Boîtes chorégraphiques

Launch of the zine La danse de Hanako – Hanako’s Dance and Ouvrir la boîte. Regards sur les boîtes chorégraphiques et la documentation en danse.

Some 20 dance artists, writers and visual artists share their experiences in these two publications.


La danse de Hanako — Hanako’s Dance


Coordinated by Catherine Lavoie-Marcus and designed by Emilie Allard, this fanzine features the traces (notations, drawings and accounts) of ten writers and illustrators who responded in real time to an improvised dance by Hanako Hoshimi-Caines. It is a perfect example of documentation as a creative…


Ouvrir la boîte and La danse de Hanako – Hanako’s Dance

In this virtual launch held on December 9, 2020, some 20 dance artists, writers and visual artists shared their experiences in two publications: La danse de Hanako – Hanako’s Dance and Ouvrir la boîte. Regards sur les boîtes chorégraphiques et la documentation en danse. These…

More to discover

Excerpt from work

Workshop 1 – Reading by Michèle Febvre

In partnership with Espace Perreault Transmissions chorégraphiques and Centre de création O Vertigo, a public workshop was held with former dancer and dance theorist Michèle Febvre in dialogue with dance artist Katya Montaignac. This workshop took shape around the personal and artistic trajectory of Michèle...
Excerpt from work

Workshop 2 – Letter by Marie Claire Forté

This article is only available in French

Event recording

Between Traces and Writing: Around the Choreographic Toolkits

«Entre traces et écritures» took place in Hexagram UQAM’s experimentation lab in Montreal from May 15 to 18, 2018. With: Danièle Desnoyers and Lucie Grégoire.


L’auteur·e en danse : Allocution de Lucie Boissinot (in French)

« L’artiste est (…) quelqu’un qui saute tous les jours d’un aéroplane sans parachute, mais avec des ailes dans le cerveau. » Steven Cohen, danseur queer engagé