Video interview

Victoria, la transmission du rôle (in French)

Nikita Bershanski, Pivot Films Inc.
38 min 20

Interview with Dulcinea Langfelder and Anne Sabourin, led by Isabelle Poirier


Victoria: how it all began


Dulcinea Langfelder created Victoria in 1999—a dance piece about old age, vulnerability and cognitive decline. It has been presented in fifteen countries and eight languages, and is still available for touring today. To pay tribute to the work and the issues it raises, Dulcinea Langfelder…


More to discover

Video interview

Victoria, how it all began (in French)

Interview with Dulcinea Langfelder, led by Viktoria Bobovskaia Video : Nikita Bershanski, Pivot Films Inc. Excerpts : Victoria, Dulcinea Langfelder & Co, 2000 and Victoria, le film, Dulcinea Langfelder & Co, 2021 Pictures: Charles Fariala. Photographer and date unknown – Réal Bossé and Dulcinea Langfelder…


Territoires Partagés – essay by Lucy Fandel (In French and English)

Nous et la classe Lucy Fandel   Last summer, if you showed up to Nous Sommes L’Été (NSL)’s Classes du matin in Montreal, you would be led by three dancers, Corinne Crane, Alexandra Caron, and Marie-Michelle Darveau. Each would propose a different set of exercises,…


Archives #2 (In French)

March archives of the project Pluriels For more information on these archives visit the French version of this article:


Moving, artistic migrations (in French)

For our second Espace Perreault Get-Together at the MAI on April 6, we had a chance to hear from multidisciplinary artist Kama La Mackerel and dancers and choreographers Nasim Lootij and Heather Mah. It was an opportunity to talk about dance and migration, a complex,…