
Artistic Legacy Guide: Le Testament Artistique

Me Sophie Préfontaine
October 2, 2015
Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault

(in French) Written by Me Sophie Préfontaine, this guide is intended to assist dance artists in writing their will and understanding issues related to their legacy. It provides crucial information on artistic legacies at a time when the dance community itself is considering the question of its heritage.




Artistic legacy guide


How do artists want their memory to be preserved and their works to be presented before they enter the public domain? The Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault called on lawyer Sophie Préfontaine for expert advice. She developed a guide to help dance artists write their last will…


Launch of the artistic legacy guide

How do artists want their memory to be preserved and their works to be presented before they enter the public domain? The Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault called on lawyer Sophie Préfontaine for expert advice. She developed a guide to help dance artists write their last will…

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